About Us

Altatweer Aliqtsadi for Transport & Generl Trade & Public Services Co . ltd .


Accuracy at the beginning leads to success at the end


Altatweer Aliqtsadi Company is a company specialized in transport, trade, and general services and it has been given the establishment certificate in 2011 and was registered at the companies’ registrar under the number 02- 65977000 and was classified as an excellent company in Baghdad chamber of commerce.
The company focuses on the work proficiency and implementing it at all phases to achieve it fully which gives the company a good reputation and prominent place among the organizations and companies that specialized in transport, trade, and local services.
Our theme is the work proficiency, the good performance, and the work achievement before its due date which we try our best to develop through evolving with the international development, searching the market requirements, and getting the benefits from the local and international companies. We believe that we are not the only ones but we exert our efforts to be unique.